The difference between BLOG and VLOG

Blog and Vlog are effective tools in marketing campaigns carried out by companies or individuals, and can be considered at the present time as one of the most popular ways to earn money online, by writing content for the blog through Websites and updating them regularly, or creating video content and publishing it on social media platforms or video sites.
BLOG Definition
They are websites that are hosted on the Internet, maintained and operated by an individual or a group of people, and the content is in the form of text written in an informal style, and it is considered a marketing and communication tool, through which it is possible to dialogue with customers and learn about Their personal opinions, sharing different information or advertising goods and services, and sometimes some pictures and videos are added to the blog along with the written text in order to clarify the information.
VLOG Definition
The term was originally derived from the word "Blog", but the letter B was removed and replaced with the letter V, which was taken from the word "Video". VLOG are short or long videos on a variety of topics such as fashion, travel, promotions, technology, etc. They are filmed using high quality cameras and microphones, so the initial cost to the industry may be much higher than regular blogs due to the price of these Equipment, but nevertheless generates higher revenue because it attracts the audience very quickly, as these videos are published either on a website or accounts owned by individuals or companies on social media, and sometimes some images or written texts can be included with these videos.
What is the difference between blogging "BLOG" and video blogging "VLOG"?
The main difference between a regular BLOG and a video blogging “VLOG”, is that the first is written in the form of texts, and the second is that the content is videos, which is the most popular and preferred type among the audience at the present time, if it was created professionally And distinctive, as videos help convey information more quickly and more enjoyable than written blogs.