What is shopping addiction?

This type of obsession is more socially acceptable than other types, as we are now surrounded by commercials that always tell us that buying is the cause of happiness, and some of us shop only for the desire to get what others have, as shopping has become a measure of human social value, and with this Shopping addiction is defined as compulsive buying as a way to satisfy or avoid negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, or as a means of entertainment for recreation. that.
Shopping addiction usually begins when an individual enters adolescence, and gradually increases with age, as this addiction is often accompanied by other disorders such as stress and anxiety disorders, sleep and eating disorders, personality disorders, etc., so shopping is then a way to self-esteem and overcome emotional pain He has, although it may make things worse for him and others, so if shopping is what occupies the individual’s thinking and time or uses it as a way to escape from the problems of his life, then this may be an indication that the individual has reached a disturbing state of shopping addiction, as this leads to Excessive spending of money in buying things that are not useful and are not needed in the first place, which may lose control of his behavior and his ability to stop buying, so that the shopper then enters into a difficult financial crisis and a state of remorse and great sadness with a feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction, where the individual then needs psychological support from Close people, in addition to trying to control and educate oneself about the importance of addressing this problem by recognizing it and staying away from deceptive appearances and stimuli that make us shop greedily, in addition to preparing the list of purchases in a thoughtful manner by prioritizing and challenging d goal of shopping.